Sunday, August 26, 2018

Animal Jam Updates


Today on Animal Jam I went to a salon role play and it was super fun! (Click the picture to see it clearer.)

I only took one picture, though. 😝

Also, someone wanted a blue worn and I just so happened to have one, so I went to their den to discuss trading. I ended up with a fox hat and some other stuff. But their den was so organized! It was awesome!

The walls things are all organized and everything is symmetrical!

One last thing, I followed my buddy to an awesome art gallery! The den owner's username was "radiation" and he made most of the art himself. I put some pictures of the art in this page, and a quote!
Here's the quote: A quote from the artist, radiation, after I asked how he does his masterpieces so quickly (he does them in 30 minutes), "Because I don't have to think about what I'm gonna draw or how I'm gonna draw it- it just comes to mind as I go."

That's all!


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