Thursday, August 30, 2018

A Little Happy


You know how in my post A Little Mad how I was mad about there being no abstract non-member den items? Well look!

I don't know if Animal Jam saw my post, or just decided to make one abstract thing non-member, but I'm glad they made one thing non-member!

Thanks Animal J- !

Monday, August 27, 2018

Family Roleplay


I hosted a family roleplay at my den and it was so fun! It was also crazy... 😂
Here are some screenshots I took! There will be explanations of the pictures on top of the pictures! Click the pictures to see them clearer.

Here's the family:

The guy wolf, but he left for some reason: Older brother; King.

The girl wolf: Older sister; Diamond/Angel.

The bunny: Baby sister; Rose/Princess.

The lemur: The cat; Kitty.

I told my cat, Kitty, to say sorry to my daughter, Diamond, for tripping her...

Fair enough, Kitty.

Kitty went into the bathroom...

I started talking about their dad and where he was, but I couldn't... (rekot1 is Kitty.)

I fainted.

We went to the hospital (my other den).

I was crying because I missed my husband.

I announced some news. 

We went to Gabby's Animal Hospital for a check-up for my kids and cat.

Kitty was up first.

She was getting a vaccine to fight against sicknesses.

It wasn't the most non-painful thing in the world...

Then Princess started dying because, she "used up all of her powers to save Kitty"?

Then we went to the Conservation Museum to donate to the Big Cats.

Then Princess started dying again and I used a Hamilton reference.

More Hamilton references...

And that's it!


Sunday, August 26, 2018

Animal Jam Updates


Today on Animal Jam I went to a salon role play and it was super fun! (Click the picture to see it clearer.)

I only took one picture, though. 😝

Also, someone wanted a blue worn and I just so happened to have one, so I went to their den to discuss trading. I ended up with a fox hat and some other stuff. But their den was so organized! It was awesome!

The walls things are all organized and everything is symmetrical!

One last thing, I followed my buddy to an awesome art gallery! The den owner's username was "radiation" and he made most of the art himself. I put some pictures of the art in this page, and a quote!
Here's the quote: A quote from the artist, radiation, after I asked how he does his masterpieces so quickly (he does them in 30 minutes), "Because I don't have to think about what I'm gonna draw or how I'm gonna draw it- it just comes to mind as I go."

That's all!


Saturday, August 25, 2018

Dazzling Dragons in Jamaa Township!


You may have seen my post Crazy Clydesdales in Jamma Township!, if not, this is kind of a sequel to that post!

So, I was in Jamaa Township, when I saw these dragons dancing! After a while, I decided to join them! They were all really nice and didn't mind what animal I was to join! Here are some pictures I took.

This was my look! Not the best, but it worked!

It was so fun!


Friday, August 24, 2018

Awesome song!

Hey there!

I heard this awesome song played by Andy St-Louis, and I tracked it down until I found it on YouTube! You might not understand it if you don't speak French, but it has a nice beat!
In the song, Andy St-Louis is basically thanking her dad for giving her a car to go visit Montreal, but then she realizes that Montreal is not the best place to drive. Then at the end she tells her dad that he should've bought her a bike.

Okay, enough talking! Just listen to the song!

Thursday, August 23, 2018

A Little Mad

Hey there.

Look at this picture.

Is there something you notice about it? No? Yes? Well, all of the items are members-only. The reason I'm mad about this is because...

1. I was looking forward to the abstract den items because AJ had said it was coming out soon in the news.

2. Usually, when new stuff comes out, there's always at least ONE non-member thing. Like the bee stuff and the waffle stuff.

3. I know WildWorks needs money, but making everything in one section member isn't the nicest thing to do. I mean, if I worked for Animal Jam, I'd probably feel a little bad about making all of the abstract stuff member.


Wednesday, August 22, 2018

How to Make a Warrior Cat


I found this really cool picture on Pinterest, and I thought I'd share it with you! (Go here (Pinterest) or here (Cubeupload) to see the image better. Go here (DeviantArt) to see the original source of the image.)

I know the picture says how to make a Warrior Cat, but I think this applies to all characters (except for the name part, maybe)! So if you're making a character, I suggest you follow this!

If anyone is wondering, I used to read Warriors but I stopped because it was very sad. 😢


Comments not working?


Recently, I couldn't comment and I couldn't figure out why, but eventually I did.

So I want to help people who can't figure out how.

Here's a tutorial for all browsers.

But today I'll be showing you how to do it for Chrome, with pictures! (Click the pictures to make them bigger.)

1. Click the three dots on the top-right corner of the screen.

2. This will come up. Click "Settings."

3. You'll get here. Scroll to the bottom, and click "Advanced." If you don't see "Advanced," refresh the page.

4. Scroll down to where it says "Content Settings." Click that.

5. When you click that, at the top you'll see "Cookies." Click that.

6. You'll see this. Click the blue thing to turn it off.

7. Then it'll look like this. Ta-da!

I really hope I helped! Bye!

Sunday, August 19, 2018

Scammer or Jammer?

Hey, Jammers!

I'm not sure if I encountered a scammer or a jammer, but here's the story...

I went to a giveaway. There was one other person there. I'm cutting out both people's usernames.

I asked "Is this a giveaway" and they said "ya." Sorry about the blurriness.

The giveaway person said this:

The "ok im trusting u" was the other person in the den.

So, yeah, that's not suspicious at all...

They said to put bad on trade, so I did. Then they traded me a rare.

I accepted.

Then they told me to trade it back. 😐So I did.

Then they were like "That's how giveaways go." and I was like "Yeah."

Then they just locked me out after I asked them what they were giving away. I forgot to take a screenshot of being locked out, but anyways. 

I don't know if this person was a scammer since they didn't scam me, but, I don't know.

I encountered them again and asked them why they locked me out of their den. 

Because they thought it was funny. Like "haha" funny.

