Thursday, December 5, 2019

The Big Question: Books or Movies?

Hey, y'all!
You’ve probably heard this age-old question: Are books or movies better? Your 10-year-old cousin probably said he likes movies better, because the books are “boring.” (There’s no such thing as a boring book. We just all have different preferences.) Well, I’m here to debunk that “boring” nonsense, and explain why books are better than the movies.
First of all, reading gets your creative juices pumping. When you’re watching a movie, all you’re doing is staring at a screen, and you don’t have to imagine anything: it’s all there. The character’s looks, the background, the special effects- it’s all there in the movie! But in a book… Well, everything is up to you. Yes, they’ll give you some information of what they look like, but it’s up to you to fill in the blanks. You can picture her with long, spindly fingers or short, stubby fingers. Are his eyes blue or brown? His nose long or small? Studies show it actually exercises your brain muscles. That’s right! Maybe telling your gym teacher that reading is exercise won’t  help you pass, but reading does help your imagination.
Yes, some people would argue it’s easier or bond with a movie. You know, when you’re having a sleepover, you guys probably won’t read a book together, you’ll more likely watch a movie, but to that I say, have you heard of book clubs? Or, some people say they don’t, ahem, like reading. It’s impossible to not like reading. You can not like a particular book or genre, but be assured; one day you’ll find a book you love, and you won’t be able to stop talking about it.
Secondly, books allow you to have a relationship with a character. Movies have to fit into a 2-hour timeframe, but books can go on, and on, and on. You might get 12 pages on the main character’s addiction to strawberry shortcake, while in a movie, you might see a 10-second clip of the character scooping a mouthful of cake into their mouth. You have a relationship with the character; you know when their heart speeds up, when their mouth goes dry, when their feet go numb. You even get to get inside their heads! Know their secrets, see their thoughts. In a movie, they’d have to say these things out loud, which is a little offsetting.
Books are better than the movies because they enhance your imagination, and bring you inside the book. So, if you’re debating whether to buy the book or the movie, remember, buy the book!

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