Sunday, December 29, 2019

Percy Jackson: The Titan's Curse || A Book Review

Oooooh, boy.

Satyrs and minotaurs, Rick Riordan is a genius. He knows how to write a series, and he's doing wonders.

Ahem, anyway, this is my third book review for the Percy Jackson series. You can read the first one here, and the second one here.

So we're all caught up? Okey dokey. With Thalia, daughter of Zeus, back, everything seems okay. Well, until they find out that there are two more half-blood siblings, and one of them becomes a huntress, and Annabeth gets kidnapped. Percy, Grover, Thalia, Zoë (a huntress), and Bianca di Angelo (the half-blood huntress) set out across America to find Artemis, the Goddess of the Hunt, who has been kidnapped by Kronos's general, Atlas. Well, Percy's more in it to save Annabeth, but he doesn't let anyone in on that. Percy's back to his old adventures, running away from monsters and slashing his sword, Riptide, as he tries to save his friend.

Original cover

!!! SPOILERS AHEAD (not the ending, though!) !!!

This book was the spaghetti to my tomato sauce. The ravioli to my pickles. My first impression when I saw the book's title was disappointed. I didn't want any more of the Titans; Kronos, tartarus, etc. I wanted more of Percy Jackson. But I was not disappointed when I started reading. It was more Percy than I ever could have wanted. We got to see a quirky new character, Blackjack, Percy's pegasus, who is hilarious and full of character.

Blackjack, Percy's pegasus
A ton of hay, maybe, Blackjack mused. That sounds good. All right, but be careful, boss. I got a feeling they didn't come here to meet anything friendly and handsome like me.
He's kind of like Donkey in Shrek! The character who always jokes when there's nothing to joke about.

We also got introduced to Zoë Nightshade, a feisty 2000-year-old, though she looks around fourteen. She is one of Artemis' ladies of the Hunt, and it's what it sounds like. Artemis and her ladies go around hunting animals. I really like Zoë and her personality, though she can be a little difficult at times, I understand her. She often doesn't understand modern slang. For example, when they're visiting the Hoover Dam, they decide they're going to go into the snack bar.
Zoë Nightshade.

"Let us find the dam snack bar," Zoë said. "We should eat while we can."
Grover cracked a smile. "The dam snack bar?
Zoë blinked. "Yes. What is funny?"
"Nothing," Grover said, trying to keep a straight face. "I could use some dam french fries."
Even Thalia smiled at that. "And I need to use the dam restroom."

Anyway, it goes on like that for a while. The name of the chapter is even "I Have A Dam Problem." Such humor, haha.

"Stars," she [Zoë] whispered. "I can see the stars again, my lady."
A tear trickled down Artemis's cheek. "Yes, brave one. They are beautiful tonight."

Thalia Grace.
The other character we were introduced to was Thalia Grace. She's a lot like Percy. A natural-born leader, hard-headed, and brave. Thalia and Percy are either hugging or at each other's necks. I love Thalia, because she just seems so free-spirited, like no chains would ever be enough to hold her down.

"Rubbing the toes," Thalia said.

And finally, the last two characters are two half-bloods. Older sister Bianca di Angelo, is 12 years old (or 84, more on that later), and her little brother, Nico di Angelo, 10 (or 82). They are orphans, and lawyers pay for their school and such. They're first seen at Westover Hall, where Bianca is scolding her little brother. Nico seems friendly and excitable at first. He has a passion for a card game called Mythomagic, which is a game with cards and Greek god figurines.

Nico asks lots of questions.

Was Annabeth my girlfriend? (At this point, I [Percy] was ready to stick the kid in a meat-flavored snack and throw him to the wolves.)
Bianca & Nico di Angelo // PJO/HoO - Polyvore
Bianca and Nico di Angelo.
 But he shows off his dark streak when Percy tells him some upsetting news. Nico is last seen running into the woods, after he tells Percy he hates him and wants him to die... Yeesh. Anyway, I hope Nico comes back, and is okay.

Bianca is Nico's older sister, and she took care of him all their lives. When Percy and Artemis rescue them, Bianca makes a quick choice to join the Hunt. Percy is disappointed, and so is Nico, since only girls can join it.

So, about their ages. Well, you know how in my first book review, I talked about how they got trapped in the Lotus Hotel and Casino? Well, the same exact thing happen to these small children. They eventually got out, but they were trapped there for years, and since Bianca joined the hunt and is immortal now, that means she still has many years to go.

Aaaaalso, there was some sort of romantic tension between Percy and Annabeth. Take this scene where they were dancing, for example.

So we went to the dance floor, and I looked over to see how Thalia and Grover were doing things. I put one hand on Annabeth's hip, and she clasped the other hand like she about to judo throw me.

percy and annabeth dancing - Ecosia
Percy and Annabeth dancing awkwardly.

[...] We shuffled around for a few minutes. I tried to concentrate on little things, like the crepe-paper streamers and the punch bowl- anything but the fact that Annabeth was taller than me, and my hands were sweaty and probably gross, and I kept stepping on her toes.
Then they danced again during the Olympus celebration party.

"So," Annabeth said. "What did you want to tell me earlier?" 
The music was playing. People were dancing in the streets. I said, "I, uh, was thinking we got interrupted at Westover Hall. And... I think I owe you a dance."
She smiled slowly. "All right, Seaweed Brain."
So I took her hand, and I don't know what everybody else heard, but to me it sound like a slow dance: a little sad, but maybe a little hopeful, too.
Now, if that's not cute, then I don't know what is.

Anyway, I really enjoyed this book, and don't have anything negative to say about it! I hope this review encouraged you to read the book (which I highly recommend you do)! See ya!

Friday, December 27, 2019

Percy Jackson: Sea of Monsters || A Book Review


This is my second review to the Percy Jackson series! If you haven't read the first review, I highly recommend you start with that one, over here.

Okay, so without any other further ado, I'll get started! The Sea of Monsters was written by Rick Riordan. With Grover gone to find the Pan, Percy and Annabeth are now reduced to a duo as they hurtle away from monsters (as usual) and have a cyclops, Percy's friend, Tyson, tag along with them (not usual). They find out Thalia's pine tree was poisoned, and that the only way to save it is to get the Golden Fleece, which just so happens to be guarded by a giant near-sighted cyclops, who also just so happens to have kidnapped Grover, only he thinks Grover is a lady cyclops that he's going to marry. From Percy turning into a hamster to Annabeth swimming towards deadly Sirens, they never give up.

'Percy Jackson and the Olympians: The Sea of Monsters ...

!!! SPOILERS AHEAD (not the ending, though!) !!!

Image result for sea of monsters fanart
Tyson being Tyson.
I really, really enjoyed this book. It kept me hooked, and I finished it in a matter of days on my Kindle. I had a real soft stop for Tyson, since he's such an innocent little sweetheart. Though I felt like he was a bit of a copy of Grover. They were really similar, with only a few differences, but it didn't really bother me. We learned a lot more about Annabeth and Luke (darn you, Luke!!). I could connect with Annabeth, and I understand why she thought the things she did, and why she did certain things. 

Though it was an awesome book, I found it started out slow, and it took me a bit to get into it. Maybe that's just because when I read the first book, I really knew nothing about Percy Jackson, so I was instantly hooked, and wanted to learn more. Whereas now, I practically know the amount of hairs on his head, so nothing really hooked me at first, except for Tyson, of course. I found the bully thing a little redundant. In every school Percy's been to, including Camp Half-Blood (that I know of), there's a bully that the teachers love. I just felt frustrated at the unfairness of that.

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Percy after he saves Annabeth from the sirens.

I found a lot of humor in this book, though. I took some notes on my Kindle, so here they are. 

"Powdered donuts," Tyson said earnestly. "I will look for powdered donuts in the
wilderness." He headed outside and started calling, "Here, donuts!"
I shivered. The way she told it- even know, six years later- freaked me out worse than any ghost story I'd ever heard.                                             
What did you do?"     
"I stabbed him in the foot." 
"What could be worse than hummus?" (Otter here: Hummus is amazing.) 
Chiron sighed. He set Annabeth and Grover down on a picnic blanket next to me. "I really wish my cousins wouldn't slam their heads together. They don't have the brain cells to spare." 

Image result for sea of monsters fanart
Percy telling Annabeth she's a genius.
Also, I really felt like Annabeth and Percy's relationship were starting to grow. Annabeth was becoming more open towards Percy (though she never lost her feistiness), and she was sharing parts of her childhood. Character development, guys!

There were two really cute parts in the book with these two half-bloods that I'd like to highlight. The first one was where Percy silently promised to the gods that if Annabeth's plan worked, he'd call her genius (despite his pride). When they're riding back on their water horses, Percy tells Annabeth she's a genius, even though she's unconscious.

The other part was where Percy and Annabeth were doing the chariot race. They managed to win, thanks to Tyson's transforming clock, which turned into a shield once you clicked the button on it. They won the chariot race, and Percy made the brave move to tell everyone it was because of Tyson that they won, even though he'd been embarrassed by his half-brother prior. Tyson blushed, and everybody cheered. Then, Annabeth kissed Percy on the cheek!! 💖💕😌😊My. Heart. Melted. I know, of course, that they'll end up together, that's just a fact. I like that their relationship is moving slowly, unlike some other books I've read where one second they've just met, and then the next second they're kissing. 😐But I can't wait to finish the next book and see how their relationship evolves.

Anyway, I hoped you enjoyed this book review, and that if you haven't read the book already, that it makes you want to read it (because I highly recommend you do!)- but don't forget to start with the first one!

Image result for annabeth kiss percy cheek
Annabeth kissing Percy's cheek.

Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Percy Jackson: The Lightning Thief || A Book Review

Hello, everybody!

I'm going to try something new today!

I recently read the book The Lightning Thief, part of the Percy Jackson series, written by Rick Riordan (now, that's a tongue twister!). I know I'm a little late, considering it was originally published in 2005 (okay, maybe a lot late...), but I'm really glad I read it! It was an amazing book that took me out of this world, and into present-time New York City, where Percy and his two friends scampered around, trying to find out who stole Zeus' lightning bolt.

An interesting thing that happened is that I actually watched the movie before reading the book, and actually really enjoyed it. I always think you should watch the movies before the book, otherwise you won't enjoy the movie. Because, oh my gosh, when I read the book I was disgusted with the movie. 😭😫😣So if you actually want to enjoy the movie, just watch the movie first.

Image result for the lightning thief

!!! SPOILERS AHEAD (not the ending, though!) !!!

12-year-old Percy is a troubled kid. He has ADHD and dyslexia, which doesn't make his teachers like him any better. He has trouble controlling his temper against annoying kids like Nancy Bobofit, an annoying redhead who always gets a kick out of annoying Percy's best and only friend, Grover Underwood.

My first impression on the book was positive. Unlike some books, this one sucked me in immediately, and all I wanted to to do was keep turning pages. Percy seemed like a kind character, and I liked how he was always out to help his scrawny friend, Grover. Everything was well described, and I could picture exactly what was going on. I sympathized towards Mr. Brunner, Percy's Greek Mythology teacher, who was his only teacher who seemed fair, and genuinely cared about Percy.

The book was set in modern New York City, I find. People wear modern clothing (t-shirts, jeans), and they don't use any old words or slang. Percy goes to a modern school, with modern kids and bullies, and modern teachers. Nothing seems old-fashioned. Percy attends a boarding school called Yancy Academy.

While Percy and his mom are at Montauk beach, their favorite place to go, they're forced to flee, along with Grover. Percy's mom gets strangled by a minotaur, which results in her evaporating in a spasm of light. Percy goes over Half-Blood Hill, which is a camp for Half-Bloods. Percy finds out he's half human... half god. Half Greek God. Mr. Brunner is actually a centaur, and he hides his horse part of himself in his wheelchair. Percy finds out Grover is a satyr, and has goat legs. Percy meets a blonde girl his age, who's named Annabeth Chase, who seems snobby at first, but as they go on their quest to find out who stole the Lightning Bolt, he finds out she's a smart and clever girl.

by sandyvazan: "Aunty Em’s Garden Emporium. Thesis work ...
Medusa, Percy, and Annabeth
There are a few parts I found redundant. For example, at first, they wander into a woman's house (Chapter 11), nicknamed Aunty Em's Gone Emporium. It's a classic Hansel and Gretel story, since they're lured in by the smell of cheeseburgers. Long story short, they find out she's Medusa, chop her head off, mailing it to the Greek Gods, and flee.

But then, they wander into another building. The Lotus Hotel and Casino (Page 258). I was surprised that after their mishaps with Medusa they'd trust another overly friendly person, but there they were, having the times of their life playing in the arcade and relaxing in the hotel beds. It turns out, once you go in there, you don't want to come back out, and time is distorted. What seemed like a few hours for them was actually five days. Of course, Percy and Annabeth get out, dragging Grover who doesn't want to leave.

And then another thing like that happens while they're in Las Vegas. While outrunning rich street kids, they dart into Crusty's Water Bed Palace (Chapter 17). They heard the gang kids running outside, and their muffled voices getting quieter. Crusty, the owner of the shop, appears behind them. At least seven feet, he seemed friendly at first, but then he trapped Grover and Annabeth in water beds and tried to stretch them out to make them fit. They find out he's Procrustes, a shady character in Greek Mythology. Percy tricks old Procrustes into going into his own water bed, and traps him there. After making him evaporate into dust, he frees his friends, and they escape.

Grover, Percy y Annabeth
Grover, Percy, and Annabeth
Doesn't this all seem a little redundant? I feel like they should've learned not to trust people from the first Medusa encounter, but then they went into a casino, and then they trusted Crusty. I would've liked if they were forced in a bit more, because they seem a little too naive.

Also, near the beginning, I feel like the author keeps throwing things we didn't know in our faces. A curtain moving, a mysterious cabin, why certain things happen. I felt a little frustrated and impatient when that happened.

Anyway, I still really enjoyed the book, and think that you should give it a read! I found the plot twist at the end very refreshing, and I never would've though it. I can't wait to read the second one, and hopefully write a review as well. Rick Riordan is a talented author!

Have a nice day!

Friday, December 20, 2019

Forest Drawing

Hey, everyone!

I had a day off, and decided to doodle a little something! I'm trying to get better at backgrounds, so I scrolled through Pinterest, and found a background I liked. I did the sketch in my sketchbook, and went onto my computer to color it since I liked it so much! Critiques? I'm all ears!


Line art (Using MediBangPaintPro):


Forest by IIDanmrak on DeviantArt
By: IIDanmrak on DeviantArt


Thursday, December 5, 2019

A few tools for writers

Here are some tools I picked up along my writing journey.
Are you looking for an alien name generator? A restaurant name generator? Or maybe a chicken name generator? Well, look no more!
This website is an awesome tool for writers who aren’t sure what to name certain things. An alternative to this site is the website Name Generator!  
There are lots of categories to choose from; such as female names, male names, cat names, hero names, villain names, town names, and more!
Another website writer should use is ArtPrompts!
I know, I know. It says “art” prompts, but it could be used for writers equally. There are situation prompts, challenge prompts, environment prompts, and lots more.
If none of these websites have interested you, I assure you, this one will. How many times have you tried looking for synonyms for “said”? Well, here’s a website for all of your said synonyms needs!
Over 300 words to use instead of said is a website with, well, over 300 words to use in place of said! They’re all divided into different categories, like happiness, anger, sadness, persuasion, provocation, and lots, lots more. I would highly recommend using this site!
Well, that’s it for my tools for writers! Thanks for reading! Have a nice day.

A few quizzes

Hey, y’all!
I scoured the internet for a few quizzes, related to writing (of course). I hope you enjoy them!
The first one is: What Kind or Author are You? 
You know you’re a writer, right? Well, let’s get more technical. Which type of writer are you? Are you a Talker; do you like to write dialogue? Or are you a perfectionist? Personally, I’m a Machine! It says that I write a lot in big chunks, and I find that pretty accurate! I prefer quantity over quality, because I can always edit it later.
Okay, so maybe you’re not a writer, but do you like to read? Well, if you do, this quiz is good for you! If you’re looking for a book to read, this quiz will narrow down the possibilities. Romance or Sci-Fi? Mystery or Action? Personally, I got Fantasy. And it’s true, I do love reading about magical lands with magical creatures, and lots, and lots, of sparkles.
Do you want a writing prompt but you want to choose a specific genre and feel? This quiz will give you writing prompts perfectly suited for you. Kick writer’s block in the butt, and take this quiz!
I hope you enjoy these three quizzes especially picked out from me for writers and book-lovers. I’ve got to say, my favorite quiz is the writing prompt one. Some of the prompts ran a chill up my spine! Here’s one that I got: It’s 3 AM. An official phone alert wakes you up. It says “DO NOT LOOK AT THE MOON”. You have hundreds of notifications. Hundreds of random numbers are sending “It’s a beautiful night tonight. Look outside.”
Isn’t that so trippy?? I challenge you to write a story using that prompt! Good luck!
See ya!

The Big Question: Books or Movies?

Hey, y'all!
You’ve probably heard this age-old question: Are books or movies better? Your 10-year-old cousin probably said he likes movies better, because the books are “boring.” (There’s no such thing as a boring book. We just all have different preferences.) Well, I’m here to debunk that “boring” nonsense, and explain why books are better than the movies.
First of all, reading gets your creative juices pumping. When you’re watching a movie, all you’re doing is staring at a screen, and you don’t have to imagine anything: it’s all there. The character’s looks, the background, the special effects- it’s all there in the movie! But in a book… Well, everything is up to you. Yes, they’ll give you some information of what they look like, but it’s up to you to fill in the blanks. You can picture her with long, spindly fingers or short, stubby fingers. Are his eyes blue or brown? His nose long or small? Studies show it actually exercises your brain muscles. That’s right! Maybe telling your gym teacher that reading is exercise won’t  help you pass, but reading does help your imagination.
Yes, some people would argue it’s easier or bond with a movie. You know, when you’re having a sleepover, you guys probably won’t read a book together, you’ll more likely watch a movie, but to that I say, have you heard of book clubs? Or, some people say they don’t, ahem, like reading. It’s impossible to not like reading. You can not like a particular book or genre, but be assured; one day you’ll find a book you love, and you won’t be able to stop talking about it.
Secondly, books allow you to have a relationship with a character. Movies have to fit into a 2-hour timeframe, but books can go on, and on, and on. You might get 12 pages on the main character’s addiction to strawberry shortcake, while in a movie, you might see a 10-second clip of the character scooping a mouthful of cake into their mouth. You have a relationship with the character; you know when their heart speeds up, when their mouth goes dry, when their feet go numb. You even get to get inside their heads! Know their secrets, see their thoughts. In a movie, they’d have to say these things out loud, which is a little offsetting.
Books are better than the movies because they enhance your imagination, and bring you inside the book. So, if you’re debating whether to buy the book or the movie, remember, buy the book!