So, I know everything has been crazy with coronavirus and all, so I just wanted to make a mini update. Since school is closed because of the virus, I've had more time to focus on my hobbies! That means drawing, playing my ukulele, and doing crafts (yes, I'm neglecting writing. Leave me alone).
If you're bored, I would highly suggest starting up your own blog. It's really fun, and a good way to pass time!
Also, lately I've been listening to Dodie Clark a lot. She's an amazing ukulele player and songwriter! If you're looking for new music I would suggest you go check her out. If you wanna see some more music I like, I have a playlist here on YouTube. Just keep in mind it's literally all over the place.
What else, what else... Ah! I've been really trying to make comics more on Tapastic, even though I'm kind of demotivated for some reason? You can check them out here:
In any case, I've just been chilling around the house. I have online classes, so that keeps me occupied for a good portion of the day, but it's only for three hours.¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I have a whole board on Pinterest with crafts you can do. There's even a whole section with crafts where all you need is paper, so you don't need many supplies to do these. You could even try doing some origami!
Anyway, let's close this up. Stay safe, out there, and have a nice day!
(ノ´ヮ`)ノ*: ・゚ |